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When you use a web browser to vist a website

you will probably be using HTTP. HTTP (or Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that allows communication between different systems. Most commonly, it is used for transferring data from a web server to a browser to view web pages. The problem is that HTTP (notice there is no “s” on the end) data is not encrypted, and it can be intercepted by third parties to gather data being passed between the two systems.

What this means is that if you are

on an open network it is possible for someone to intercept taiwan phone number data the connection between you and the site you are visiting. The data can be modified without you knowing it. This can be corrected by using a secure version called , where the “S” stands for secure. “You should always protect all of your websites with HTTPS, even if they don’t handle sensitive communications.

Phone Number Data

Aside from providing critical security

and data integrity for both your . T websites and your when is it a good option to use social commerce? users’ personal information. T is a requirement for many new browser features” This quote came directly from Google. THere are several reasons why you need to use https: on your website instead of just using http. T Google has announced that  is a ranking signal and that if you aren’t using it, your ranking in the search engine could drop down.

So, the question becomes… Is your website working with saudi data and costing you traffic and $$, or is it secure with https? If you are interested in securing your site, click on the button below to sign up for a complimentary 2018 Website Audit. Schedule time to speak with us Sharing is caring! You may also like:

Why is Related Content not showing up? Why is Related Content not showing up? shareaholic . Written by Paul · Categorized: WordPress Online Strategy Reader Interactions Comments Roy A Ackerman, PhD, EA says January 2, 2018 at 2:16 pm The good thing is that reliable web site hosting firms are ready, willing, and able to work with their customers to convert to an https site- for free!

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