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Things Your Website Needs To Attract Clients

In continuation with the “5 More Things Your Website Needs to Attract More Clients” mini-series (and the last in the series… for now), here are another 5 more things your website needs to attract more clients. 1. Testimonials Testimonials are the easiest way to put that money in the bank. They are mini sales pitches made on your behalf by a satisfied customer. Who better to promote you and sell your services than an unbiased customer?

Use these testimonials wisely

place them strategically on your website. When new singapore phone number data customers see this, there’s definitely no trust issues. 2. Optimized Sign Up Offer It’s will be a challenge for you to motivate people to sign up for your newsletter. A great sign up offer can do the trick. There are many options to consider. Perhaps the best thing is to give something for free! You can give away a free report or ebook.

Phone Number Data

You can provide a free online tutorial

video series, or access to behind the scenes audio more things your website needs to attract more recordings. Create a fabulous offer to motivate subscribers and publish that offer in a prominent location on your website. Experiment to see what type of opt-in form works best.

Some people have great luck with pop-ups, while others saudi data find that the upper right-hand corner of their website works best. 3. Social Media Widgets You’re active on social media right? You can add social media functionality into your website. Social media widgets can invite people to join you on your chosen sites. Social media widgets can also display your activity on your favorite sites. For example, if you have a Pinterest account you can add a Pinterest widget to your site and display your latest pins. 4.

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