We probably don’t need to explain at length why it’s important to write quality and readable texts. Good content will attract and retain customers, which means it will increase your traffic. And not only that – Google can now recognize quality articles, which will be reflected in the ranking of your website. Good texts are the basis of good content, but how to write texts with SEO principles in mind? This question will be the topic of today’s article.
Well-written articles are a signal that you understand your field
You probably know this from your own experience. You are looking for a specific product, for example, you need to buy a car radio, a home bakery sweden phone number data or a guitar effect, and in most e-shops you will only encounter a confusing list of keywords and links. But then you will find one that can advise you on the choice and explain to you why you should buy this or that bakery with regard to your needs and plans. It probably goes without saying that you will most likely order goods here and maybe even be happy to come back here for more advice.
An article is a gentle way to introduce your products or services and link to them. It is clear that most e-shops probably won’t have the capacity to write an article about every product, and there is no need for that. Choose a few of the most interesting ones, write reviews or instructions for them, which you can ideally link to a video. If your content is interesting, people will share it themselves and naturally link to it from social networks , which is always a plus.
Don’t use keywords in your article “slavishly”, but naturally in different variations. For example, if you have the keyword “search engine optimization”, you may see the forms “SEO”, “search engine optimization”, “Google optimization”, “Seznam optimization”, etc. in the text.
What should a quality article look like?
A good basis for a decent article is to write it first and foremost in a way that is interesting not only for the target group, but also to interest a wider audience . Of how to use facebook ads to improve the sales funnel? course, one can imagine examples where this is not possible, for example with very specialized and professional articles, but even here you can at least refer newcomers to some introduction to the issue.
The first paragraph should contain the main key connection that you are targeting with the article. Finally, don’t forget the call to action .
SEO means the ideal combination of technical rules with content creation for real people
1. The title is truly key to every article. The main title is part of the Title meta tag, which is also displayed in search results. The length should therefore not exceed 55 characters .
Example : Keyword “laser scanner”, possible headline: Why get a laser scanner instead of a total station
2. Don’t forget the article URL factor . Ideally, the URL should contain the article title in a logical sequence and ideally also at least partially the key link. Ideally, the URL should contain the website name + blog/magazine category + article title. As an example of how a URL should look correctly, we can give, for example, the address you see for our article .
What should article look like?
3. Too many keywords can actually be harmful. It is also a good idea to include the key phrase in the H2 headings.
4. Don’t forget about an interesting and enticing meta description . It is displayed in search engine results and is therefore a good chance to entice the audience to read the article. It is good to use a keyword in the meta description. The ideal length of the meta description is 155 characters, the search engine will cut off the rest.
What should article look like?
Having an engaging and optimized text is not everything. Nowadays, it is increasingly important to have enough relevant sources point