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Differences between gel screen protector and tempered glass

What is the best material to protect our mobile phone?
In this post from the moviloff blog we will see the differences between various types of material to protect our beloved mobile phone.

The use of mobile phones and tablets is massive. According to the latest figures, a person uses their device for an average of 3 hours a day . In very young people, this consumption can even reach 8 hours a day.

So it is logical that smartphones and tablets can suffer knocks and progressive wear . A knock that breaks the screen is not desirable because it is the most serious fault that can occur and the most expensive to fix.

However, if you take the precaution of having a screen protector, you will even feel relieved if it receives a blow. Needless to say, screen protectors also protect your phone from all kinds of scratches and scrapes.

Now then. There are several types of screen protectors on the market and in this post we have set out to analyze them so that you have the best information when purchasing. Let’s start with this analysis now.

About the gel screen protector

The gel screen protector is still widely used to protect phones from both Apple and Samsung brands , but they can be used on all brands on the market.

Now, it should be noted that the gel screen protector has a couple of flaws that we cannot ignore. Its main flaws are:

The first thing we want to highlight is that when you slide your fingers over this type of mobile screen protector, they leave a very visible mark. This does not happen with other types of protectors. It is all due to the gel itself.

We also want to highlight the second most important defect : the gel screen protector is somewhat unpleasant to the touch. If you have already had one of them, you cambodia telegram data have noticed that it has a somewhat lumpy appearance , which makes it not very suitable to touch the screen.

Now, we must also recognize that they are effective in the event of a fall or any other impact.

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About plastic screen protectors

We must say that these protectors are effective in case of differences between gel screen protector and tempered glass  scratches or scrapes. But they are not effective in case of impacts.

One of the biggest drawbacks you may encounter is that they cell p data  are very difficult to place . It is not unusual for small bubbles to form , which affects the visibility of the screen.

in mind is that they tend to come off the screen on a regular basis. This is because they collect a lot of dust from the environment.

Moviloff gel protectorThe only advantage we can find in this type of mobile device protectors is that they are very cheap . Possibly the cheapest on the market. Although we must take into account that other protectors offer many more advantages for a little more money. But you will avoid all the inconveniences that we have just mentioned.


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