Brand Awareness: what is the objective and how to create this strategy?
Brand awareness is the metric that measures how much and how your brand is recogniz by consumers. The goal is to make a brand gain maximum notoriety, be remember by the public and make it unique and exclusive to each customer in the market.
Have you ever stopp to think about how much
Your brand is recogniz by hong kong email list the public? This recognition is not simply about empty popularity, with the aim of boosting the ego of those responsible for it: when a brand is recogniz and remember by customers, the tendency is for it to also be more consider when making a purchase. This is exactly what the concept of Brand Awareness explains .
After all, if you’re not seen, you’re not want. To be want, especially in today’s world, when we deal with a lot of information every day and have difficulty focusing on something for more than 8 seconds, as a Microsoft survey shows . Given this context of enormous distraction, being able to recognize and remember a brand is almost a privilege, isn’t it?
In marketing , we call this “privilege” Brand Awareness, which has nothing to do with luck or chance, but rather with well-structur strategies. Keep reading and find out how this is possible!
What is Brand Awareness?
According to the afb directory free translation into Portuguese, Brand Awareness means brand awareness, which corresponds to a marketing metric with the function of analyzing the notoriety of your company for customers.
Want an example? If when most of the time, it’s actually not you think of soda, you associate it with Coca-Cola, a razor blade with Gillette, a broadcast TV channel with Re Globo, a luxury and large motorcycle with Harley Davidson, etc., know that this notoriety makes your brand stand out in the market and has a greater chance of converting into sales.