What is a meta description and what is it used for?
Meta description is an HTML tag that should be approximately 140 characters long, including spaces. It should definitely not exceed 160 characters (although recently the search engine has been testing other lengths of descriptions in search results in some cases). The purpose of the meta description should be to summarize the content of the page and should also motivate the visitor to read the page. You could say that the meta description is a kind of subtitle or a shorter perex in journalistic terms . Both leading Czech search engines display it in search results today, and its importance for us is growing exponentially.
What does a meta description look like in the source code?
<meta name=”description” content=”Here in the source singapore phone number data code you will find the meta description. Mention the most important information from the website, keywords and why to go to your site.”>
You can view the source code of a page in Chrome by going to Tools → Tools → View Source. In Safari, use the shortcut alt (option) + cmd (control) + U or in the menu under Developer. In Firefox, the shortcut cmd (ctrl) + U usually works.
Part of the HTML source code and the meta description markup
Why should you care about the meta description tag?
In the article about good titles, we emphasized that a quality a guide to customer database management title definitely does not mean a list of keywords. This rule applies to meta descriptions as well. When we think about it in more detail in a moment, you will understand that the quality of a meta description does not lie in keywords, although it is good to think about them too. A good meta description should primarily motivate readers to take action. The growing influence of social networks is also increasing the value of meta descriptions, because when links are shared on social networks, the meta description is displayed in the preview with the link . Even though it has little value for classic SEO, in other cases of Internet promotion its influence is not negligible.
How is the meta description displayed on Google, Seznam and Bing?
In the following images you can see how different search engines display different results after entering the same key phrase: “Croatian islands”.
On Google.cz:
Meta description in Google.cz
On Seznam.cz:
Meta description in Seznam.cz
and finally, for your interest on Bing.com:
Why should you the meta description tag?
you are not sure whether your page or article has a completed meta description, it is better to look at the source code, where you can find out the status. If you look at the source code of the chorvatske.cz page, you will find the entered meta description (see the image below). However, only Google.cz takes note of it in this specific case and displays it in the search results. In other cases, on the contrary, only Seznam.cz or all search engines can use the meta description.
What impact does meta description have on SEO?
The content of the meta description is not a factor that a search engine uses to rank search results. However, it can play a decisive role in the click-through rate of search results. If you prepare an eye-catching description that the search engine will include in the search results, people will click on you more than your competitors and you can get more visitors from search engines even with a not-so-good position.
Even though the search engine does not rank the results hong kong data based on it, we try to include the keyword in the meta description. The result then appears more relevant to the visitor in relation to their search query and we can thus slightly increase our chances of beating the tough competition. In addition, the search result is more eye-catching because the keywords are displayed in bold .
Why the meta description tag?
What should a good meta description contain?
Both Google and the Czech Seznam can work with meta descriptions today. So let’s explain in more detail how everything should look correctly. If we don’t deal with the description and don’t publish it, the search engine will create the description for us and use some part of the text on the page. In many cases, this is not the worst solution, but you are missing out on the opportunity to influence the appearance and content of the message, which gives you a chance to reach future visitors and attract them to your website.