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This way you will find out what customers

Really think about the product or service, the company. If they don’t like something, take into account the negative aspects, and then work on your resource in such a way as to avoid this. analyze competitors and use it to your advantage According to experts, the vast majority of users first study reviews online before making a purchase. And usually just a couple of posts are enough for a person to form an impression. Reviews in the field of cosmetics, m icine, cars, tourism, legal, banking and other similar services are of particular importance.

Moreover, some entrepreneurs use negative fe back about

A competitor to advertise their own services. For example, someone didn’t like the hair coloring done in a salon and shar this experience on social mom database networks. You can offer your services and attach photos of your best work so that this client or others become interest in you. Manual monitoring by search This option is relevant for situations when a company is mention several hundr times a day, no more. Prepare a list of words and phrases that are us for searching.

mom database

You can use Wordstat for this

Note that with large volumes of work, it is very difficult to do it manually. In addition, this way you will respond more slowly to reviews and other what tools does the company already use? mentions. And errors are not exclud . Such monitoring can also be carri out in social networks in approximately the same way. Monitoring programs If you don’t want to do the monitoring manually, services for automating the process will come to your aid.

We recommend the following: Brand Analytics

Allows you to work with online publications powder data and social networks. Collects all information on the Internet, and then groups it. Tags are set automatically, you can track reviews without mentioning the company. 67 languages ​​are support . You can also set up alerts that will be sent to your email.

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