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You have to pay more attention

Content is king! But if you want your posts to be notic,  to the current popular elements. Festivals, special days, emergencies, or movie premieres can all be us as topics. Start linking your messages to things relat to current events and present them visually. In this way, you will immiately see positive results.

Then, through relevant tools to help you continue

To pay attention to and track festivals, holidays, and popular topics, you can find the right topics to place and deliver your information. How to catch users’ attention? How to improve social operation results through image content! Use festival and news relat materials to make the content more interesting.

Use visual design to strengthen the brand’s message

Think carefully about the message you want to convey, and then simple design guidelines: Use two or fewer fonts. Mix contrasting fonts and avoid using similar fonts. Choose fonts that match the message convey by the text. Use the main elements to truemoney database make the image more coordinat.


special data


The font size of the text should be smaller than the main idea

Avoid using bright yellow as the font color. Try not to put text on the key theme. Pay attention to the color matching in the image. You can refer to the following successful cases How to catch users’ attention? How to improve social operation results that’s when you know things have through image content! Placing the text in the center of the image helps to catch the reader’s attention How to catch users’ attention? How to improve social operation results through image content!

The visual image creat by

Complementary colors is more eye-catching How to catch users’ attention? How to improve social operation results through image content! The golden ratio helps plan symmetrical or asymmetrical shapes Have you ever heard of the “golden ratio”? It is a mathematical constant that actually exists in nature. When applying it to design, just multiply the tg data length of the short side by 1.618 to get the length of the long side.

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