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Why I’m Making a Radical Change in My Blogging Strategy

“I’ve seen it all before.” No, that way of “talking” on your blog is not the way to show credibility on your blog. More than anything, it shows that you are conceited and arrogant. It is probably not what you want the first timer to think of you.Use short sentences . People get lost easily if you write long paragraphs (I’m not sure if this word exists or if I just made it up).Use simple terms that people use on the street (avoid technical terms that no one understands because it alienates you from people who don’t understand you).

credibility  Photo rights by Fotolia

I am lucky enough not to really know how to write    uk telegram data   formally in Spanish. This has led me, without realizing it, to develop a friendly tone on the blog . I write as I speak and I speak as I write . I have no other choice. It is the biggest “secret” to not create a distance between you and your readers.

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Put emotion into your “voice” with exclamations and/or capital letters, but be very careful not to sound like a screamer, as this can sometimes create the sensation that you are shouting.When you “speak” in a friendly way, you have the opportunity to touch a sensitive nerve in  identify the needs that the crm must cover   the reader. Suddenly, you realize that there are people who are listening to you.

Everyday situations make many people able to put themselves in your shoes because they have experienced similar moments in their lives. It is only a way of showing credibility    saudi data   because the reader realizes that you share the same experiences. It brings you closer to him and adds a lot of confidence to your words.
Provide data when you talk about facts . No reader likes to read “this and that is so because I told you so.” Provide figures from studies and/or case studies. This way you show that you are only relying on what you think, but that you are looking for additional external sources to add more information to the content.
Personal experience still adds a lot of value , especially in fields where there are no market studies to contrast what you say. Every detail counts. Don’t hide your mistakes. You’re not Superman, so don’t try to give that image. Sharing your mistakes makes your successes more credible.

Admit when you are wrong

It is the small “failure” that we humans have. Luckily, not everyone always notices it, but it is not bad to admit when you have “screwed up”. It shows that you are sincere and that you know when you are wrong.
Credibility doesn’t make you more likeable, but it does generate trust. Tell stories, provide data, share mistakes and successes to achieve it. Speak with judgment and keep your mouth shut when you don’t have it. That’s the best advice I can give you to avoid losing it.Join a community of bloggers : there are more and more of them. One of the largest is Ironblogger Spain . If you have a blog for mothers or fathers, more specialized communities such as Madresfera may also be a good fit for you .
The tasks you just read are not a complete list of things you can do as a blogger. To start with, I consider them relevant because they help you achieve one of the most important things to move forward: maintaining motivation and desire . You can lose everything, but if you stop being excited about your blog, you will no longer be able to start from scratch.

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