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Whoever succeeds who gets the answer to

Whoever succeeds who gets the answer to The math problem first, gets rewarded with Bitcoin. GOVLOOP: Can you use an analogy to explain how blockchain works? TILLEMANN: So you can think about it in a couple of different ways. If you’re talking about the security of the system and why it provides better security than existing data storage systems.

The way we store data right now is to

All the data in a house and put a really good lock on the house and then hope that nobody can break the lock. But unfortunately, if they get into the house, if they break the lock, or climb through the window to get into the house, they can access all the data.

The difference with bloWhen you move a system

Like this to the blockchain, two things happen: First, the time it takes to complete a transaction decreases from days to about 10 gcash phone number minutes—a significant increase in efficiency. Second, the cost of completing a transaction is reduced from hundreds of dollars to $200. In the United States, the cost of registering a title has dropped from thousands of dollars to a few dollars at most.

special data

This significantly reduces the cost of property

The final factor is the level of trust you place in your transaction. Even if there are corrupt officials, they cannot erase the evidence that the as one of the most famous shopping streets in property orig. Jinally belonged to me. Once the transaction is complete, you or anyone else can check it on the pub. Jlic network to see if it was registered correctly. I believe blockchain offers a solution to the most pres. Jsing challenge of our time, which is how to restore trust in institutions.

Check out part two where Thielemann explains

How blockchain can be used to hold governments acc. Jountable and who is leading the way in the federal space when it comes to bloc rich data kchain. Do you rem. Jember the first time you heard terms like cloud computing and IoT? A few years ago, they looked pre. Jtty futuristic, right? They are now a highlight at conferences and the subject of radio and even televis. Jion commercials.

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