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What is project management: the importance of project management

Understanding the impact of good project management has an impact on how better results can be achiev and employee well-being improv. For these reasons, the type of project management a company uses is an indicator of the quality of its services and a plus for competing in the market.

Project management can be done with different methods and approaches. There are also multiple options for project management software, which have become tools with a transversal scope, since they involve various aspects and teams of the organization.

Definition of project management

What is a project? According to the Project Management Institute, “project spain whatsapp number data s are temporary efforts to create value through unique products, services, and processes.” With this in mind, Capterra defines project management  as follows :

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Project management is defin as the application of skills, tools, techniques, and knowlge to business processes to meet the ultimate goal of the project. Organizations often determine project management methods in internal  profiles on other social networks documentation at the beginning of the development process. Managers and leaders take into account factors such as project execution time and costs involv.
The following stages of a project are consider at the foundation of project management, also known as the project management life cycle :

The beginning: general definition of the project: objectives, sco resource data pe, stakeholders , limitations and risks, control and reporting, evaluation.
Planning: setting objectives to be able to break down time, cost, resources, risks, milestones and monitoring metrics, etc.

Execution: kick-off of the project to produce the deliverables

Monitoring: runs parallel to Execution to measure the progress and performance of the project and adjust possible deviations.
Closing a project: completion of all activities and deliverables, final report, and post-mortem evaluation for future learning.
These stages may involve one or more ongoing projects and human, financial and technological resources. All of them allow each task and activity to be plann in detail to achieve the desir results within a time frame and budget.

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