You can also try increasing the MySQL configuration parameters relat to memory usage. However, before proce ing to configuring the server, you ne to make sure that the request was correct: disable loading results from cache if MySQL client is us directly by starting it with quick switch key; Disable working with results from cache when using the MyODBC driver. If you still ne to optimize the server’s performance after this, run the following commands.
Performance optimization
Conclusion Before you start fixing the error, run a system diagnostic and determine what exactly caus the malfunction. Errors with the same numeric chinese in america code may have different causes. A useful tool in this case will be the MySQL log. IT development and, in particular, the web sphere are full of terms and abbreviations that are not always clear to beginners.
It is impossible to understand
What is a programming language and what is the name of a technology. Utility or hosting service without the help of at least the Internet. Therefore, such concepts as MySQL, SQL and database often raise questions. These are relat things, and we offer a list of profitable services in the article we will tell you about each of them in more detail: we will explain what they are, how they differ and what they are us for by developers. The article is written in simple words to convey the essence even to those who have encounter MySQL and DB for the first time.
What is a database and why is it ne ?
In programming, a database is an order set of structur data. Simply put, a DB is a file or a collection of files that stores systematiz information about a material data single project. The format of the information does not matter: it can be text, images, video and audio files, links, and any other data. For example, a playlist with your favorite songs is also a database, as is a gallery with photos.