As complicated as it is. Getting new readers, I mean. Now I’ll tell you that publishing new content makes you lose some of the ones you’ve already won over. Don’t panic, it’s not that bad! I’ll explain it to you now because it’s actually a good thing.A change of job and field of activity, so that the blogger’s topics are no longer relevant to the reader. Not all readers are passionate followers of the topic, but may have a purely professional interest.The reader has reached the blogger’s level of knowledge, so the blogger doesn’t have much new to tell him. It wouldn’t be the first time that a student surpasses his teacher.
Losing subscribers Photo rights by Fotolia
I touched on part of the “phenomenon” in a post in the past to call it something. The relationship between blogger and reader usually comes to an end. It is relatively normal turkey telegram data if you take into account that people evolve. It doesn’t always have to be the case but nowadays even couples that you think will always be together break up. Some of the reasons why a reader stops following a blog you wouldn’t always expect.
If this happens to you, you can feel proud as a blogger because you have contributed your grain of sand to that person’s learning path.
Blogger disconnection due to lack of attention . This can occur if the blogger does not pay attention to his community and does not respond to emails or questions in comments apply growth and boost your b2b digital marketing strategy as he should (it seems that this point is autobiographical).
The blogger starts marketing his blog . Not all readers take saudi data it well when they suddenly notice that there are banners on the website and receive emails to sell them something. Readers’ reactions can sometimes be violent. I have seen some surprising things, to put it mildly.
Why a reader stops following a blogger
The quality of the content drops significantly . If the blogger does not evolve, he runs the risk of reaching a point of stagnation and not being able to say anything new. I have also experienced this phase (if we are strict, this paragraph also brings existing content to light in an updated form) where you “cover up” with summaries and “Best of” of posts already published.
Why losing some readers isn’t necessarily a bad thing
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to sell you the bike. If you lose 20% of your readers overnight, that’s not a very good thing. You must have done something serious for that to happen. It’s not the norm. I estimate that this blog loses 10-20 readers a week . That’s the number of people who unsubscribed when I was still receiving Feedburner notifications.
Some people even do it without realizing it. Many readers follow a blog through RSS feed or email subscription. An inbox cleanup can be the end of a blogger-reader relationship because a website can be forgotten due to a lack of new news despite the interest of the user.
One of the things bloggers fear the most is losing their subscriber list . Some even take it personally and rack their brains over the possible reasons. “What did I say or write that made these people no longer interested in my content?”
Unsubscribing is a healthy process that helps improve target audience segmentation because only those who are really interested remain. Ideally, a blog should have a specific theme because it avoids big surpriss when publishing a new post (e.g. not receiving feedback because you realize that the content you think is great is not really interesting).