Home » What is B2B E-commerce and how to include

What is B2B E-commerce and how to include

E-commerce is an important part of digital marketing today. Large companies have already adopt it, and more and more mium and small companies are turning to its implementation. However, its entry into the B2B world has not occurr in the same way as in B2C, and therefore it is not yet widespread. How can I use it to benefit my B2B company? Let’s start with the basics:


What is it?


B2B e-commerce is the name given to business-to-business electronic commerce, which is defin as the sale of goods or services between companies through online channels. Instead of receiving orders in the traditional way, transactions are carri out digitally.


As stat above, B2B e-commerce does not have the same popularity as its B2C counterpart for obvious reasons, which does not mean that it has less impact. The main argument in favor of this statement has to do with vietnam phone number library the fact that large sales flows through digital channels were first generat through B2B portals. Before the existence of giants like Amazon or Aliexpress, the B2B world was the main sales generator, just as it is today, although with less visibility for the average consumer.


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How to implement it?


For a B2B e-commerce strategy to be successful, it must be highly local and must also be design not only for companies that are potential buyers, but also for the end customers they target.


On the other hand, it is essential to have a series of questions and their respective answers well defin, among which the following the importance of data encryption in applications stand out: Who is the client? What is my sales flow? What is my digital corporate culture? With clarity around these questions, a strategy bas on expert advice on digital channels must be generat.


Our experience in the world of B2B


Digital Marketing has l us to work closely and successfully with and advise well-known companies in both Chile and Latin America, covering the bzb directory points mention above, making us your ideal partner when it comes to setting out on a path towards strategies that include B2B E-commerce.

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