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What are the most downloaded apps in 2020?

As we did last year, we bring you the ranking of the most downloaded apps of the year.
Therefore, in this article we will see which are the most installed apps and games, that is, those apps that are most liked and therefore the most popular.

On sites like Sensor

Tower , for example, we can find out which games and apps are the most downloaded daily in each country and on each platform. other sites like App Brain , it is possible to find out which games have accumulated the most downloads throughout history on Google Play, both free and paid.

This time, however, we want to compile the list of the most downloaded games and apps of all time on iOS and Android. To do this, we’re going to turn to App Annie , which combines data from the App Store and Google Play between 2010 and 2019 worldwide (Google Play from January 2012, which was when it was created). It’s possible that some positions may h  australia telegram data ve changed in these first months of 2020, but in general terms, the ranking remains the same.

Telegram Data

Most downloaded apps and games

Side view man with smartphone facebook app most do tips to take care of your mobile battery wnloaded 2020 apps

If we look at the most downloaded apps of the decade, t cell p data ere is one clear dominator: Facebook.

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