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Understand your target audience today

Throughout April and May of this year, WSI hosted a series of free webinars to share digital marketing tips and tricks, as well as best practices you can use to overcome marketing hurdles you may encounter in today’s business environment. Here’s a quick refresher, plus a recording of our “Ahead of the Curve” webinar on understanding your target audience in challenging times by Cormac Farrelly from Dublin, Ireland.

What is a buyer persona?

We found the best definition in our book Digital Minds with the English title: A Strategic Approach to Connecting & Engaging with Your Customers Online ,

“A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on a  russia whatsapp number data combination of market research, customer demographic and behavioral information, real data about your current customers, and your own interpretation of their motivations and needs.”


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In a hyper-connected environment, personalization is key to creating  develop an effective link building strategy marketing messages that persuade your audience and lead them to take action.

If you try to be all things to all people, it will sooner or later backfire as your loan data message will get lost among the masses. Don’t be afraid to focus on a niche; it is essential to truly understand your target customer in order to communicate effectively.

Since understanding who your ideal customer is is the foundation for the rest of your marketing activity, there are five reasons why your company should define its buyer personas:

Why should your company define these personas?

Being clear about the type of customer you want to do business with will attract the right type of buyer and generate more business and revenue for you.
Your unique selling points will become clear when you understand what makes you an attractive proposition to your customers.
Understanding marketing jargon gives you the opportunity to convey the value behind your brand.
Determine the missing link in your content marketing strategy.

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