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Types of programmers in the modern IT sphere

There are more than 50 types of programmers. Each area of ​​activity of these specialists is unique, interesting and highly paid. In addition to unusual tasks, decent salary and constant development, programmers have another undoubted advantage – the ability to work remotely.

What are they ? Generally speaking, this profession can be divided into three branches: application programmers, system administrators and webmasters. Each specialization is divided into many areas. In modern realities, an IT specialist is a synonym for the word “success”, because today almost all vacancies on the labor market are somehow related to computer technology.

What makes the IT sphere different

The IT sphere is developing extremely quickly. Every year more and more specializations appear in this area. People working in IT use all kinds of computer systems and devices for storing and transmitting information.

If there were no IT specialists, we would not be able to check email, watch movies, read articles, download files and communicate with other people on social networks.

This area includes many specialties. A person can work in a company or be a freelancer, creating new programs or editing existing ones. In addition, IT specialists develop algorithms for computing and operational equipment. As a result of their work, a specialist receives a code written in one or another programming language.

What makes the IT sphere different
What makes the IT sphere different
IT employees create websites, software, operating systems, games, mobile applications and much more.

Types of programmers by specialization

Let’s list the types of iran whatsapp number data programmers from the point of view of their specialization:

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System programmers
They specialize in creating systems, services, and software. With their help, basic software, operating systems, utilities, drivers, graphic cards, database b2b marketing success depends on understanding buyer behavior interfaces, etc. are developed and updated.

The average salary of bz lists system programmers is about 100-150 thousand rubles per month. It is difficult to find good specialists in this field. This explains such a high demand on the labor market.

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