Home » The manager should not allow the dismissal to be accompanied

The manager should not allow the dismissal to be accompanied

However, all this can be extremely dangerous for the organization itself. Not everyone thinks about the consequences that can overtake a business in Russia after a “hard” dismissal of an employee. If the dismissal is unexpect and unjustifi, it may lead to additional problems. For example, the employee may recognize the dismissal as illegal and seek justice. There is only one conclusion: when rucing staff or departments,  by any kind of conflict. Employees should not leave the company offend and with complaints.

For example, managers of some companies

Believe that almost any employee can be fir. But this is wrong from a purely human point of view, and can also lead to negative consequences, for example, for the labor process. Therefore, many employers want to fire an employee “softly”. Remember nepal phone number library that the impression a person has of a company depends, among other things, on the employer’s actions during the last communication. To understand what we are talking about in practice, we first suggest looking at 3 cases relat to how not to break off relations with employees.

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Scenario of unexpect dismissal of an employee

It often happens that an employee continues to work calmly for a long time, complies with job requirements and believes that everything is fine. At need to develop an app? – here’s where to start one point, at the employer’s initiative, the employee comes to talk. There he learns that the quality of his work is completely unsatisfactory to the company or one of his colleagues. Therefore, the manager is forc to make a decision to dismiss him.

The person goes into shock, gets angry

Doesn’t understand why this happen. In this way, an employee buy lead can only be fir in emergency cases for committing a disciplinary offense or repeat violation of the rules. However, let’s return to ordinary cases. Unexpect dismissal is not the employee’s mistake, but the manager’s omission. He did not try to somehow correct, improve the quality of the employee’s work, use his strengths.

If something does not suit, instead of dismissal

It is imperative that a dialogue be establish. It is important to try to correct the situation, but not to bring it to the point of no return. The thing is that an employee cannot figure out on his own that he is doing something wrong within the scope of his duties. The manager will have to tell him about it. For example, if you point out the mistakes, the person will quickly correct them.

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