They will need guidance on how

They will need guidance on how the shutdown will affect their jobs, pay, and benefits. Even employees who stuck around during the last shutdown will need reminders of what to expect. However, remember that even the best plans can change. For example, during the 2013 shutdown, mailroom employees at the National Institutes of Health were initially furloughed.

NIH realized that some mailroom employees

So NIH brought some mailroom employees back to work. 2. Familiarize yourself with your agency’s contingency plans if you haven’t already. These plans detail which operations your agency will continue to conduct in the event of a shutdown and which types of employees will be temporarily laid off (furloughed). Agency plans also explain expectations for furloughed and non-furloughed employees and how to notify employees and the public about changes to agency operations.

Make sure your contact information is up to

Date in case your manager needs to reach you overseas chinese in usa data during a shutdown. At a minimum, employees need to be notified of the resumption of operations after the furlough ends. 4. Review all travel plans with your manager. Employees with travel plans should coordinate with their supervisors on how to proceed during a shutdown. 5. Be wary of anti-deficit laws.

special data

One of the key issues agencies must

Weigh during a shutdown is optimization audit: tools for checking what programs and rich data activities they are allowed or required to continue. According to a 2014 Government Accountability Office report, “anti-deficit laws generally restrict agencies from continuing operations funded by annual appropriations during a shutdown, except in certain circumstances where the law authorizes the continuation of activities.

There are exceptions, including activities

Funded by appropriations that would not be resumed during a shutdown. Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch became famous for asking voters, “How am I doing?” Koch’s signature question showed that sometimes the best way to find out what impression someone has on you is to ask them what impression they have on you. Some variations of Koch’s strategy for soliciting feedback can be used to gather advice for advancing your career.

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