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There is protection from unauthoriz access

Some of the tools are paid, but offer trial versions so you can evaluate the feasibility of purchasing. Marketing and advertising strategy analysis The list of criteria for comparing competitors’ websites includes marketing and advertising strategies. We recommend using special services to perform such work – they are convenient and r uce labor costs.

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The service is paid, but some options are available without payment. It can show the estimat site traffic, keywords, sources from which visitors chinese overseas africa number data come, audience portrait and time spent on the site. SpyWords. We have already mention this service before, but it will also be useful for marketing analysis. It displays the number of ads in Yandex.Direct, the approximate advertising budget, the number of queries in the top and the specific volume of search traffic.

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You can even find out the approximate cost per click Keysso

You will be able to analyze advertising, find out its approximate budget, and read the ad texts. Bas on the data you receive, you can make your own a tool for hypothesis testing and business development ad texts brighter and more attractive. You ne to find something special that will attract other customers. Test different options, maybe some will work better. Additionally, we recommend looking at whether your competitors are on social networks, blogs, and in what vein they maintain their pages.

It may be useful to maintain a community in the same vein

Look at the visuals, posts, and cases in general. You can borrow some ideas and adapt them to your ne s. Search engines take into account business powder data activity in social networks as a ranking factor. High activity indicates high audience interest in the site. Analysis of reviews and reputation of competitors Naturally, reviews and reputation in general are important factors to pay attention to. Look for any mentions of the brand on social networks and other platforms.

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