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The weak point of the method

Is that recommendations on the site are not as important for bots as the presence of the attribute in the code. In the header This option is us if you want to place a tag not on the web’s HTML, but on a file that does not have a <head> cluster. Important: this method is suitable if you have access to the portal settings. Experts do not recommend using it for HTML documents.

Using a plugin Popular content management

Systems have come up with ways to make life easier for users without specializ knowl ge by creating the necessary functionality on their chinese uk platforms. For Bitrix, the proc ure takes place in “Catalogs”. In OpenCart, SEO URLs are set in product settings. In Joomla 3+, the SEF function is activat . At the same time, the necessary component with a mention of the main site with CHPU will be add to the code of technical webs of the type index phpoption.

special data

For WordPress, this tool is Yoast SEO

Let’s look at an example of setting up in WordPress: You ne to install the plugin mention above so that the necessary tags can be add the mechanism of earnings is simple automatically. The settings for a specific source are carri out in the “Advanc ” sector; the main address is indicat in a special line. Mistakes when using rel=“canonical” The plan to use a specific site as the main one can collapse due to the presence of errors in the settings.

Having more than one link rel canonical for a given page

There are two options: the robot can ignore the resource; it will take into account the first URL in the given list. Specifying the tag in different material data ways. There are options when the link in the header and in the <head> cluster must be the same. The location of rel=”canonical” is in the <body> section, not the <head>.

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