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The search engine not to

In these examples, we are telling  index the page, but to follow the links on it. These tags can significantly affect the visibility and ranking of pages in the vast library of the Internet, so they should be us wisely.

If these tags do not exist

Everything would be “index,follow”, the default value. And for this same reason, if there is only one of the negative tags, the omitt one will always be the positive one.

We can see the HTM

Tag and markup in the HTTP of a page through the page source code.
The same “Robots Exclusion Checker” extension facebook database also gives you information about both HTML and HTTP meta robots tags. Indexing signals.


special data

4. Sitemap file

The sitemap file (not the typical sitemap page is a document that contains a list of URLs and acts as a guide for search engines, telling them what content is available and how to access it. In addition to listing the URLs of the various sections of the most effective lead generation strategies our site, it might also provide information about how often and when that content was last updat. In other words, they are a clear invitation to search engines.

What exactly does it consist of?

Sitemap.xml can (although not necessarily) affect the indexing of pages by telling search engines exactly which URLs to crawl and which ones are important. When crawling through this file, robots can include the links in the crawl queue, but not necessarily prioritize them as we would like.

For this reason, on large sites the sitemap is

A file where we should ideally only include the pages that we want to be more visible and prioritiz. Those that do not contribute directly to our commercial objectives, in terms of sales or conversions, should preferably not be includ. For example, we could generate different sitemaps.xml for different groups of pages and another one that lists the tg data previous sitemaps on large websites.

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