Home » The Internet and television remain the most effective means of advertising

The Internet and television remain the most effective means of advertising

The market research and consult company. Kantar TNS” carri out advertis monitor in 2016. The monitor analysis show that the volume of advertis in Lithuania incre by 9.3 percent. In 2016 compar to 2015. Advertis volumes have grown the most on the Internet, outdoor video, TV and advertis in cinema, magazines and radio. The change in advertis means compar 2015 and 2016 is shown in the table: Advertis tool Change compar 2015 with 2016 Advertis volumes TV commercial In 2016, the duration of advertis incre by ten. 1.8 million Advertis clips were shown in 2016. Press advertisement Volumes fell by 5.8 percent.

Advertis in newspapers Volumes decre by 11.4 percent

Advertis space in newspapers w almost 9.2 million. sq. cm. Hdvertis in magazines Volumes incre by 3 percent. Advertis area – 6.8 million sq. cmAdvertis mom database on the radio It incre by 1 percent. 8.8 mln. seconds of advertis. Internet banner advertis It grew by a fifth. Outdoor static advertis Decre by 1.2 percent. Outdoor video advertis The volume of advertis incre by 11.4 percent. 5 million seconds of the ad w shown.

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Advertis on g station fuel dispensers 0.5 percent grew up 35.6 thousand promotional stickers.

Indoor TV advertis Decre by 11.8 percent. Movie advertisement Volumes incre by 5.1 percent. 433 thousand were shown. advertis clips. Comfort how profitable investments in a particular advertising channel and diffusion. You get the feel that you belong here. You know everyone and everyone knows you. Your goal in be on a social network is to start a conversation and get people talk about you. Did we forget to mention someth?

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ADMINISTRATION OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ( Facebook, Instagram, Linkin ). Content creation and visual production (advertis messages, creat bulk lead messages, creat a mystical hero, advertis campaigns).  Choos a visual style. Acquaintance with the activity. Mak a plan for the month. Shar in public groups. Analyz efficiency PS The price does not include the purche of paid advertis.

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