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The customer life cycle is a classification of customers

The customer’s path is simplifi, because CJM helps to eliminate unnecessary interactions with the company when purchasing a product. Finding a competitive advantage. You better differentiate yourself from your competitors, because at every point of contact you can pleasantly surprise the client and create a “wow effect”. As a result, customer loyalty increases, they stay with the company longer and return more often for repeat purchases.

This, in turn, ruces costs and increases business profits

Working with CJM improves the reputation of the business namibia phone number library and adds additional value to the product. Corporate messenger on your server in 10 minutes Corporate messenger on your server in 10 minutes We will provide a free period. We will help to set up Compass on your servers or in the cloud. We will simplify the move and adaptation of the team. Order a consultation In addition, the customer journey map is a visual tool for training employees, synchronizing the work of different departments.

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CJM is also useful in developing a development strategy

The map clearly shows how to change processes and the product, why exactly so. At every step, something can go wrong. CJM helps systematize work with the data security is a critical little things that are important to the client How CJM differs from other tools There are sels that overlap with the customer journey map, but have a different focus and direction: A sales funnel is a model that shows a person’s movement through stages: from the first interaction with a product to its purchase.

The Ben-Hunt ladder is an expand

Sales funnel that covers the initial stages, when a person is not yet cg leads aware of his problem and his ne is not yet form.  bas on the quality of their relationship with the company. For example, a visitor, a one-time buyer, a repeat buyer, a loyal customer, and a brand advocate. These tools largely correspond to the stages of the customer journey to purchase, but they show it from a business perspective. CJM, on the contrary, focuses on the emotions and impressions that are important to the buyer, highlighting his experiences and expectations from each stage of the work.

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