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The attribute allows you to more often occupy worthy places

In search and indexing. How does the canonical tag affect SEO? It has already been said that search engines do not welcome repetitive, similar content. Negative reaction affects SEO. Let’s list the main reasons affecting promotion, requiring elimination with the help of canonical: The site volumes increase. Indexing takes longer, insignificant sources are check , and the main issue may not be reach . When the crawling limit is exhaust , the site may not be includ in the search.

The URLs start to compete, and there

Is a possibility that the higher position will be occupi by someone other than the one chosen by the portal owner. R uction of link weight. Backlinks chinese australia can lead users to a duplicate instead of the main site. “Splitting” blurs the effect of the array of links. Loss of visitor loyalty. Visitors who click on the wrong URL do not find the necessary information, leave, and may not return.

special data

People will turn to successful competitors, providing a third-party project with good traffic

Loss of authority among search engines. If you know that your project has duplicates and you can’t do without them (for example, it’s a product catalog you only need to recommend the messenger with gradation by price, model, size), set the attribute on the select source. How to specify the base URL using the rel=“canonical” attribute There are several options for setting up canonical. Some are available to regular users, while others require professional knowl ge.

Write between tags of any HTML page

It is necessary to find the resource code, in material data the head sector containing meta, we enter the tag, give the main address in it. It looks something like this: <link rel=»canonical» href=» s: mysite.ru oborudovaniye» >. In the Sitemap file The addresses mention in the file are perceiv by search engines as canonical.

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