Home » Telemarketing to enhance each stage of the purchasing process

Telemarketing to enhance each stage of the purchasing process

Shopping is a process that is familiar to all of us, as we all, to a greater or lesser extent, make purchasing decisions every day . Unless you come from another planet, you surely know the feeling of consuming, of wanting a product or of comparing between different possibilities.

Whether we are aware of it or not, our purchasing decisions go through different stages that are perfectly defined and differentiated. In this article we will explain the different stages of the customer’s purchasing process, and how telemarketing or telesales can help us in each of them.

Stages of the purchasing decision process:

  1. Recognition of the need
  2. Search for Telemarketing to enhance information
  3. Evaluation of alternatives
  4. Purchase decision
  5. Post-purchase behavior
  6. Recognition of the need

1. Recognition of the need

The awareness phase is when the consumer identifies an unmet need . This could be, for example, a need for transportation (moving faster from one place to another), security (installing a home alarm system) or leisure (a vacation with your partner).

Most of these needs do not arise spontaneously, but remain latent in the person until they are made manifest (by receiving an advertising message, a conversation, or by imitating other people). Thus, advertising techniques (such as telemarketing) only serve to make these needs manifest so that the person becomes aware of them.

Good segmentation work can help us identify these needs even before our potential customers do . For example, we can guess that honduras phone number list a couple is going to need catering for their wedding at the time they announce their wedding.

2. Information search

When the user correctly identifies a need, he enters the information search phase. This search is divided into two stages:

3. Passive information seeking

This could be to be more receptive to Telemarketing to enhance receiving information on this topic (for example, an informative call), reading information related to this product, etc.

The existence of this passive phase is one of the reasons why cold calling can be so effective.

4. Active search for information

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becoming more intense as the desire to satisfy that need increases. It will be at this stage that the future client will search on the Internet, in specialized magazines or ask people who can help them find what they need.

During this phase, the company’s mission is to facilitate the acquisition of information as much as possible. To do this, it will be interesting to be correctly positioned in search engines, magazines and specialized media in the sector, to have a customer service department and professionals capable of performing this function.

5. Evaluation of alternatives

At this stage, the consumer has a lot of information about the different companies that can satisfy their needs (our competitors) and the types of their products or services. During this stage, the consumer has to decide which option best suits their needs, so any detail can tip the balance in favor of one company or another.

If we have a professional telemarketing team , we will not only limit ourselves to offering written information and a contact telephone number to resolve queries. A good marketing strategy will detect the potential client from stages prior to this one, and thus we will be able to see the evolution of this client through the different phases of the process, until we ourselves can make the decisive call, with the advantage that use a good keyword planner this   entails. Thus, it is very important to correctly integrate telemarketing with our business strategy (link to the post) in order to accompany the future client throughout the process.

6. Purchase decision

This is the most delicate moment of the entire process, as it is when the user’s final intention is determined. At this Telemarketing to enhance stage, a small setback (long queues at the checkout, a website that hangs at the time of finalising the purchase, etc.) can make us lose the sale.

In all these cases, an assisted telephone sales process can avoid most of these setbacks. Here, it is our operator who directs the purchase process at all times , requesting the necessary information from the client (data and payment method) while resolving any pre-purchase queries. It will be very important to know and resolve all the objections that arise from the client at this time, which, of course, is done most efficiently by telephone.

Post-purchase behavior

Once we have managed to convince the user to purchase our product or service, one of the most important stages – and often ignored by companies – of the purchasing process begins: post-purchase satisfaction (or not). The result of this phase will depend on customer loyalty, brand image (positive or negative recommendations among users) and the company’s own cash flow (if we take into account possible returns).

To avoid setbacks, there are many possibilities that telemarketing or a contact center can offer us:

1- Provide the user with a customer service telephone number to resolve any queries about the operation of our product or complaints.

2- Follow up with our customers by phone , making occasional calls (every three months, for example) to gauge their level of satisfaction and detect possible patterns. This will help us increase customer loyalty, as well as the perception of our company as attentive to its customers.

It is important to clarify that it is not only the phase of uk data the process that matters, but also the different purchasing roles that play a role in each decision. Thus, the person who detects the need does not have to be the same as Telemarketing to enhance the person who makes the decision to buy. A very clear example would be that of the father who buys the toy for the child because he passed by a shop window.

Bibliography: Kotler- Armstrong. Principles of marketing

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