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SVG in 2010: facts, context, opinions

Scalable Vector Graphics is an XML-bas language. As the name suggests, it is us to create vector graphics.

It’s quite strange that this format, although it has been around for ten years and offers a lot of interesting possibilities, is us very rarely, almost not at all, on the websites for which it was design in the first place.

Is SVG useless?

In web design, the concept of a website as a poster prevail, where everything has its unchanging form, carefully measur position and fix dimensions, and therefore web designers do not particularly lack singapore phone number data dimensionally adaptable vector graphics and always somehow manage with JPEG, GIF or PNG formats. That’s why Microsoft’s announcement that IE 9 would support SVG was met with a response that was more tepid than warm. One well-known Czech blogger even call SVG a flop and comment at the end of his blogspot dicat to SVG :

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“With SVG support in IE9, SVG gets its second chance. It is a question of how much it will catch on, because nowadays such a canvas can be us for a number of things .”

In connection with the mention quote, it would be desirable to explain several essential things.

Vector graphics have their undoubt advantages and it is up to us to be able to meaningfully evaluate them. That we can’t do it, we can’t, we don’t want to, is mainly our problem, our disadvantage, our backwardness. It is definitely not even possible to suggest that vector graphics do not have a suitable use on the web. For those who ne proof instead of just a claim, zoom in on the web page ( Ctrl++) and then compare the state of the raster graphics and the state of the fonts us (the letters are actually vector images). From 150% above, the qualitative differences to the disadvantage of raster graphics are already clear.
Canvas can hardly replace SVG. On the one hand, it cannot be us as a CSS background, and on the other hand, it is difficult to scale it ( sample ). Both of these problems can be solv, but so complicat and difficult seo practices to wnhance your customer experience that it is not even worth solving them. Furthermore, Canvas is suit for completely different purposes than SVG .

Why use SVG?

SVG is an excellent format for images that occur multiple times and in different sizes (typically logos and icons). The reason for proportional differentiation is to optimize for different resolutions.
When we have an SVG image, there is bw lists no ne to make a thumbnail for it. The original image with ruc dimensions is simply us for the preview. This eliminates the ne to store and send two images.

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