Home » Signs of a stagnation in your lead generation activities

Signs of a stagnation in your lead generation activities

What’s going on? In life and business, we often know something is wrong before we even see any signs that confirm our fears.

1. Fewer leads month vs. month and/or year vs. year

Don’t we all have that little stain on the ceiling before it turns into a leak of epic spain whatsapp number data proportions? That stain tells us that there is a leak in the roof, but in reality it is often that we really don’t want to see it and we wait until the next rainy season, by which time a bucket will be needed to collect the water that falls from the roof!

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I’ll correct what I said earlier: what you should take away from this is the use of the the number of social, including dark social roles, has increased tenfold FREE Lead Generation Booster Kit , which you can download with a simple click on the image below. In fact, you don’t even need to read the rest of this post. Download the Lead Gen Kit before your problem gets worse!

So, if there was one lesson for you in this post, it would be that if you have even the slightest suspicion that your lead generation pipeline is not as full as it normally is, you need to take action immediately ! Your “spider senses” will surely be sending you the right cmo email list signal, and once you identify the situation, you should take action immediately.



If you still don’t think you have a lead generation problem, at least read on to identify some signs of lead generation efforts worth addressing.

This may seem obvious, except it won’t be so obvious if you don’t track and record your past lead generation activities ( which is a problem in itself and a topic for a post for another day! ). But assuming you do have data, it’s always important to analyze and compare your lead generation numbers against last month’s numbers and the same month last year. If one or both of these numbers are below your historical data, it’s a good idea to at least consider that there’s something concerning about your lead generation activities. That should set off a red flag that you need to look more deeply into your lead generation results.

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