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Respond to the job posting correctly

If the job is a one-time job or the offer comes from a private person, then it is quite acceptable to describe your current experience directly in the dialogue. Do not indicate anything that you obviously do not possess. The deception will become obvious when you complete a trial assignment, and then you can be sure that you will not be hir.

The requir languages ​​may not be specifi. In this case, you ne to proce from the tools us to solve the specifi tasks. If you ne to write mobile applications, then you will most likely ne knowlge of Java, Swift or Objective-C.

There may be no experience at all

In this case, you can directly say this in your resume, indicating that you know a certain language and have the ability to perform specific tasks. However, you do not ne to write about all the programs and tasks that you israel whatsapp number data have had to deal with in one way or another. This will give away a person who can “touch on everything slightly. With the learn air of an expert,” but has not studi any area in detail.

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Correct response to a vacancy
Correct response to a vacancy
The ad often contains a direct request for a resume, in which case it is better to send it as a separate file with a cover letter. In the letter, you should greet the recipient, introduce yourself, clarify what vacancy the resume is being sent to, and also indicate that full details are contain in the attach file.

Step 4. Passing the interview

Reread the job posting, highlight the requirements and tasks it specifies. The common mistakes to avoid with personalized marketing employer’s questions will be relat to them to some extent. Relat issues may bz lists also be rais. Think about what your interlocutor would like to know in order to create a complete portrait of the candidate.


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