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The lack of real data on the behavior of the target audience

The Customer Journey Map will not work “on its own” – approximately once every six months, key KPIs should be measur and changes in the quality of customer experience and customer satisfaction levels should be assess. Improving the customer journey is a cyclical process. Once you solve one problem, move on to the next: there are many touchpoints and options for working with customers.

Customer Journey Map Examples

The customer journey map is design in different ways: it can oman phone number library be made linear or non-linear. For example, Lancome has a simple table, and in addition to the standard sections, statistical data is add. Lancome Customer Journey Map. Source dthinkagency.com Emirates’ map is design as a non-linear drawing: the stages are arrang in a circle, and important details are shown in separate segments. Emirates Airlines Customer Journey Map.

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Mistakes when creating a customer journey

If you are developing a CJM for the first time, there is a risk of making critical mistakes. Here are some of them: One card for all. In this case, CJM will not take into account important features of different categories of customers. Their steps to purchase, motives and expectations may differ greatly. Insufficient audience research.  will make the map abstract and inapplicable in life.

When filling out the CJM

You should rely not on your feelings and personal experience, but on reviews and comments from real users? specific metrics and statistics. Too much data. Information those who know how to set verload will make CJM difficult to understand. Skipping stages of the map. Sometimes companies skip the first and last stages, for example, “Recognize the ne” or “After-sales service”. But at these stages, the business can influence the audience’s emotions, so they are also important.

No focus on emotional experience

If CJM focuses on processes but does not take into account the emotions of customers, the company loses an important competitive advantage. Briefly about the main cg leads thing Customer Journey Map is a visual diagram that shows the steps a customer takes to purchase a product, as well as their emotions, feelings, desires, and difficulties at different stages of interaction with a business. The main goal of this tool is to make the customer experience pleasant and joyful throughout the entire journey.

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