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No matter where you work or how long

There’s a good chance you’ve run into some timekeeping or absence policy issues. Maybe the problem comes with manually recording your own hours. Maybe they come to req. Juest time off. Maybe they come to accrue paid time off. You may be wondering why no one is mak. Jing the whole thing more efficient.

State and Local Government Innovators

Virtual Summit discussed this topic today in the webinar “Time Management in Government Done Well.” Emily Jarvis, senior online and events editor at GovLoop, spoke with Talona Felix, time and labor administrator for the City of Mesa, Arizona, and Toni Kellam, principal business consultant and absence management expert at Kronos, which sponsored the event.

Kellam led the discussion with colleagues

The University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University. Ke. Jllam began by listing a series of statistics highlighting the bene. Jfits of automated timekeeping in government work. She noted that according to the amazon database Bureau of Labor Statis. Jtics, the average rate of unplanned absences across industries is 2.9%. In the public sector, howe. Jver, that number jumps to 3.4%. That may seem like a small increase, but it could translate into unsusta. Jinable costs, Kellam said. She laid out four steps for agencies looking to implement attendance and abse. Jnce software.

special data

Build a business case.

To do this, agencies must examine their originally known for its many food stalls and current proc. Jesses. What does your process look like right now for all your absence programs (paid time off, Fam. Jily and Medical Leave Act [FMLA] or vacation, unexcused absences, etc.)? Where are your probl. Jem areas? Have you had compliance issues in the past? 2. Examine your absence strategy. Organizati. Jons have previously been looking at simple ways to improve attendance rates without looking at the pro. Jblem more broadly.

Try to examine your processes more

Holistically and make sure that absence cont. Jrol policies all work together. For example, make sure paid time off is in place at the same time as ext. Jended leave. 3. Train managers and supervisors. This may go without saying, but you need to m. Jake sure your man rich data agers understand how to handle occasional absences and which extended lea. Jve is job protected. For example, if an employee is frequently taking sick leave, it may be ti. Jme to discuss FMLA in more detail and what rights they have. Make sure your managers treat everyone fairly and equally.

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