This morning I was invited to Nativo Social ‘s Sunrise Blog Club . It was a very fun session with bloggers from Seville. We connected via Skype and they did a short interview with me to share my experience on the topic of blogging.A long post is perceived as being of higher quality . If the topic interests the user, they save it in their favorites or send it by email to read later.There is a greater chance of generating recurrence . You have a greater chance of leaving a mark and that after reading the article, the blogger will remember you and return at a later time.
split post Photo rights by Fotolia
One of the questions that came up was whether it taiwan telegram data was better to make very long posts or create series of articles. In the past I was in favour of publishing them in parts to build reader loyalty. Things change over time so you can’t generalise and it’s better to see things in their specific context.
It is not the same to be a beginner blogger or one who already has an existing community. In the first case, you have to create a history. You have to prove that you are worthy and that you can contribute something to a user who finds you for the first time. In this context, I would recommend the opportunity to refer to the document using long and well-crafted posts. The reasons behind them are the following.It’s easier to achieve external diffusion , especially when you mention other bloggers who already have a community. If you saudi data give it a shout out, there will always be someone who will mention you on their social networks.
First impressions are what count when you first enter the blogosphere. A long, well-crafted post can make a much more immediate impression than a short entry. In the beginning, I would focus on creating articles of 1,000 to 10,000 words.
What I would do when you already have a community of readersAs I said before, this topic has its nuances. Always doing the same thing can get tiring at some point. Once you have reached a small community of readers, I would also add the type of article that is delivered in series.
What I would do as a beginner blogger
You’ve already proven in the past that you can provide value, so the expectation-building that this format creates should work for you . A blogger who doesn’t know anything about anything isn’t going to achieve the same results by using series of articles. Here are some advantages of dividing a large piece of content into parts:
They are quicker to create and prevent bloggers from having to think over and over again about what they want to write about.
They help you get new subscribers among those who already read your blog. But have not yet given you their email address.
Creating an e-book that you can advertise from the moment you launch the series once it’s finished. In general, creating a digital book is a very long process. And this way you motivate yourself and force yourself in equal parts to do it.
It doesn’t mean that once you’ve made a certain amount of progress with your blog. You should stop creating pillar content . As with everything, you have to find a good mix. I don’t believe in absolute truths, so you have to adapt the strategy to your own personality and community. You shouldn’t stop trying and innovating. That’s the whole “secret”