The Wooden Leg Game often manifests itself in the form

If the project has shortcomings, he blames other people, claiming that they did everything wrong. How to exit the game To avoid such relationships in a team, it is necessary to strive for a culture of understanding and responsibility, as well as open communication. It is important that people clearly see their tasks and are responsible for their implementation. Managers should support their employees and fairly evaluate their contribution to the overall results.

Why don’t you Yes, but” This game is usually

Played during meetings when the team is discussing an important slovenia phone number library task. Both the manager and the employees can enter this game. A person puts forward a problem. He attracts people’s attention, wants to hear from them a variety of solutions. However, the main goal of the player is to reject all employee suggestions. Example of the game A manager complains about declining sales and demands solutions from the team.

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People in the company give really useful advice

Such as studying the reviews on the website in detail, improving customer service, or updating the product range. To each suggestion, the person replies: “Yes, but we don’t have the resources for that” or “Yes, but our market is too conservative for such changes.” In how to refactor code in java? this way, he demonstrates an unwillingness to look for solutions and focuses only on the problems. How to exit the game To get out of this game, the author of the book recommends shifting responsibility back to the person. You need to ask clarifying questions.

Do you have any ideas on how we can solve this, given our limitations?

This will force him to look for a new solution on his own. Game 4 “Wooden Leg” According to Eric Berne’s book of people making excuses. The essence of the game is that cg leads a person constantly refers to a “wooden leg” – a reason that allegedly makes it impossible to perform his duties. This reason can be both real and imaginary. It allows people to avoid criticism and responsibility for their poor performance. Example of the game An employee is not meeting his customer acquisition targets. He claims that his failures are due to an outdated prospect database. The employee insists that all the methods he uses should work. But, for example, poor email and bad data are preventing him from achieving results.

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