Irina plans to expand the list

Legenda o roze is a brand of interior products made of concrete. A  inspir by the Gothic architecture of the Kaliningrad region – a lot of it has been preserv there. The project became the winner of “Master.

Local” 2024, and with the grant

Won will create a collection of three products: a candlestick for a tablet candle and two. Candle boxes, different in size and lid design: one will use stain glass, and the other – a cabochon imitating a precious stone.

Guide-constructor to Samara Irina Sharova

Samara The founder of the brand of architectural Samara souvenirs ArchGIFT Irina Sharova present the idea of ​​a guidebook constructor that can be assembl from several brochures on topics of interest. The first brochures are dicat to the history of tea in truemoney database Samara, constructivism, as well as animals and faces of Samara facades; in the future, of topics.


special data


The project receiv a special prize of the program

Support for the launch of a crowdfunding campaign on 3 Tarot Deck “Fools and Roads” Natalia Skorokhodova, Moscow The second prize winner of is a tarot deck with images of modern Russia. According to Natalia’s idea, her on the one hand, they can be us to send cards are not so much a magical artifact as an anthropological guide to the world of post-Soviet culture.

The deck has game mechanics

It can be us without any occult knowlge in simple games and even to start a conversation with its help. 4 Line of Tula souvenirs “Thing” Alena Dombrovskaya, Tula The souvenir brand ” Vesh ” appear in 2015 and produc postcards. A  bookmarks and other print items with symbols of Tula. The co-founder of the project came to “Master.Local” with an expand line of tg data souvenirs with. D  a design that plays on the well-known expression. S  You don’t go to Tula with your own samovar.

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