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Internet and Things – what are the best gadgets?

How do these things communicate?
As with the fitness bracelet, this typically happens via bluetooth technology.

Which can send a signal between your mobile or computer and a device (thing). The data is then stored in the cloud. That is data centers where the data is available on the Internet.

In this way


the thing can communicate with the Internet. For example, your fridge will probably one day itself be able to send a message.

To an online store when you are about to run out of liver pâté or milk.

This way, the store can send you the goods you need, without you having to new zealand phone number data spend time logging in to the internet

mobile phone number library

and placing an order. Because the fridge already knows what you are missing.

What has become too old and what you usually have in your fridge.

More and more data around us is available on the web, if only you know how to get hold of it.

For example, Facebook has an incredible amount of data on every single person who has been active on their social network.

This has caused more and more people to opt out of Facebook. Earlier this year, there was a German person who won the right to receive all the information from Facebook that they had registered about him. It turned into a 14-page long document with an incredible amount of detail.

Read our guide here on how to delete personal online data about you.

cloud backup


What risks can there be in connecting things to the Internet?
However, there are not only good things to say about this trend.

Many fear that far too much data will become available to both benevolent and malicious individuals, who perhaps should not have access to all the data around us.

But there is also a sea of ​​fun and ingenious things that have been created a bunch of small recommendations for web designers from the idea of ​​connecting on the web. See e.g. our post here, where everything from coffee machines to locks is connected to the internet.

Here are a few of the new funnier examples of internet-connected things that find their way into our everyday lives. We all know the Apple Watch as a good example of the Internet creeping everywhere, but there are also tg data completely different products.

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