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For example, in the case of the online store

It will reasonably break the entire catalog into categories and add subsections there. How to CondUCT A COMPREHENSive Analysis of Competitors’ Websites and Use it to Your Advantage, if you sell services, analyze the structure in more detail. See how exactly competitors sell their offers, what is good for them and what is better not to implement in their gores. Parsing of competitors’ sites Parsing is an automat collection of open information min from pages, sites, portals. Without it, it is difficult to conduct the activities of any company.

Parsers are select depending on the task

For example, often experts analyze the goods and prices of competitors. If you, for example, want to spar the competitor’s website and highlight chinese overseas asia number data the promotion sources, the main indicators for SEO, see the requests of search and advertising issuing, use the Keys.so service. There are also separate parsing programs that are more complicat in operation, requiring special knowl ge and skills. But they give significantly more opportunities.

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We will give examples of extensions for the browser

That will help you more effectively perform the check of competitors of the site. Web Scraper. Parsing directly from the browser, using computer how long he was on the site before making the call resources. If you plan to operate cloud services, you will have to pay. Expansion allows you to get detail information of the desir type.

In the work, it is very convenient

Dataminer. Another convenient and understandable expansion, which gives a wide range of information relative to parsing. The result powder data can be sav in XSL format in order to conveniently r uce data into a clear table. Expansion is offer with a set of ready -made scripts and tasks. There are also standard Google Chrome tools, nothing ne s to be install additionally. But you ne to understand the development in order to get information from there.

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