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In controversial cases it is necessary

Such filtering simplifies the search for what users ne , but it can harm the project.  To make it clear to the search robot which version of page should be perceiv as the main, canonical one. Pages with rel canonical are the main URL. The rel canonical attribute is written on “duplicates”, indicating the address of the canonical web.

The search engine is given an understanding

Of which site is being duplicat . When should you use canonical links? Let’s look at the reasons for using links, why the rel canonical tag is ne : Avoid chinese overseas asia number data search engine penalties for duplicates by prioritizing interaction; Transferring the link mass without losses to the select resource option. This prevents visitors from being sent to secondary sources that often do not contain the necessary information; Eliminate the waste of crawling limit on “doubles”.

special data

The robots’ budget has limits

The check may not reach the actual useful content; Select a web resource, making it the main one, shown in search results, receiving signals how long he was on the site before making the call from users, bots. When should you use canonical links? Image by storyset on Freepik. How Google and Yandex robots choose a canonical URL In Yandex Webmaster, all webs have marks about the presence or absence of the “canonical” status, and there is also an option – the status is not specifi .

Non-canonical resources can also be includ

In search results if robots consider them more relevant, with content that differs from the main site. Google takes rel canonical into account, but material data does not exclude unexpect reactions. The search engine believes that rel is advisory in nature, not an order. If a non-main resource looks more relevant, it will find a place in the search results. Specifying link rel canonical r uces the risk of Google’s “arbitrariness”, limits the chances of automatic determination of the main version, and supports the choice of the site owner.

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