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How the Facebook and Instagram algorithm works

Confus about why your Facebook or Instagram posts only reach a small fraction of your followers? The rules of their display are determin by an algorithm – and it is becoming more and more merciless. Mainly for company accounts. Therefore, find out how the algorithm works, create posts according to its rules, and you will see that success will not take long. You will learn everything you ne for this on the following lines.

What exactly is an algorithm?

As we already hint, the algorithm determines which oman whatsapp number data posts will be display to users on their wall (also call a fe). And it does this bas on what content the user is likely to be most interest in. The goal of the algorithm is simple: that we spend as much time as possible on the social network and enjoy returning there.


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According to Facebook’s official information, there are approximately one thousand posts per user per day that can potentially appear on their wall. At the same time, there are over five million of these users in the Czech Republic alone. That’s a fair amount of content that Facebook, as well as other social networks, have to sort through and decide what will be most interesting for each person. And that is exactly the task of the algorithm.

Unfortunately, only its authors know exactly how it works, who also like to change its rules from time to time. Fortunately, however, they provide us with a lot of information that we can use as a starting point.

The algorithm decides how relevant the post is and how many users it will see, bas on a number of indicators. Among the most important are on Facebook:

User interaction immiately after publication – the more interactions you get on a post in the first minutes and hours after it is publish, the more users the algorithm will show it to. Possible interactions are likes, comments and shares.
Long-term engagement with a page o ebook also b2b marketing success depends on understanding buyer behavior evaluates a user’s overall interest in your page bas on how often they have respond to your posts in the past.
Up-to-dateness of the post – you can expect an increas. In the reach of a post for about 24 hours after its publication. But if it gets a high number of reactions in that time frame. It can be display spam data to other users for several days.

How the algorithm evaluates posts

Posts in groups and events take precence – Starting in 2021, Facebook will prioritize posts in groups and events. It is because of them that most users go to the social network every day.
Posts from friends over posts from brands – As a social network. Facebook gives more importance to posts from friends than posts from brands. They are authentic and get a higher number of interaction. For the number of views (we also call this ratio the engagement rate).

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