Home » How many goals can you pursue with the same blog?

How many goals can you pursue with the same blog?

I don’t know any 33-year-old Pedro who is a blogger. He is just one example of both men and women that I meet at events. They are people who are keen on blogging and are starting out in this world with great enthusiasm. They usually make the same beginner’s mistake: they almost never mention the name of their blog.

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This is something that has surprised me for years    switzerland telegram data  now, so I’m going to dedicate a post to it to see if things improve a bit. Promotion is one of the most important points when you launch a new blog. The minimum is to mention it when you introduce yourself (and even more so if it’s in a blogging context).

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Instead of saying “My name is Peter, I’m 33 years old and I have a blog,” you could take advantage of the opportunity to attract at least one new reader. Let’s say that Peter is at an event with his wife for mommy bloggers. On this occasion, he could have introduced himself in the following way.

“My name is Pedro and I have a blog called  a dismissal order is not a reason to completely  pedrodigital.com. After talking to so many mothers today, I think I will dedicate a post to the topic of how to make time for blogging while having children.”

These are nuances, but I don’t know if you’ve noticed  saudi data   the improvement in the speech. Age is not relevant, so we remove some information so that the memory of the person he is speaking to (a mother) is left with the essential information:

The blog is called pedrodigital.com and he will write a post about a topic that interests him because it addresses a real problem

The lack of time due to having children

When you have the opportunity to introduce yourself and you are presented with a context where you are not looked at with a “geek face” when you mention that you have a blog, do your homework. Along with the name, you should also create interest in the form of future or existing content that responds to a real problem that the person you are talking to has . Only in this way can you generate an action in the form of a visit to your website.

Obviously, this is the basic thing I’m telling you. But if many people can’t do the easy things well, how are they going to do the more complicated and difficult things?This time I want to go a little faster than usual. I don’t want to wait 2 years until I can see the first results. So I will be a little more proactive by making a small effort at the SEO level . But I prefer not to say too much about the “how”. I will save that for a new post. What I do know is that I want to launch by applying everything I have learned from completed projects . I still don’t have any idea how I want to do it exactly but I’m not afraid. I’ll probably come up with something

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