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How can App Store Optimization boost your app?

Creating an app and getting it published is a difficult task that requires time and dedication. But there is also the second part, which is to make the app gain visibility in the store and make more and more people find it and fall in love with its functions.

Often, an app doesn’t get many downloads in the store because users can’t find it on the platform. This is because there are a series of rules that developers need to follow in order for the app to gain visibility in the store. App Store Optimization (ASO) is a set of these rules.

By following the ASO rules, the App tends to gain more prominence in the app store, be it the Apple Store or Google Play , and consequently receive more downloads. The main features required by ASO for the app to perform well are:


Finding the ideal keywords

Choosing keywords is an essential part of any marketing strategy, and ASO is no different. By using keywords, you can reach the right users and increase the chance of getting a download, as they are already looking for your solution.

In-store presentation
The presentation within the app store is one of the main factors that will make people fall in love with the app and feel like downloading it. The presentation takes into account:

App Name: The name displayed by the application must contain the keywords and not exceed 30 characters. Make the most of it!

App icon: The app icon is extremely important. It should directly refer to the main purpose of the app, be eye-catching and, preferably, not contain text. You can perform A/B tests to find out which one generates the most positive impact on the target audience.

How can App Store Optimization boost your app?

Description: At this stage, you can let your imagination run wild. Stores have two types of descriptions: short israel phone number data and long. In the short description, include only essential information, such as how the app works, its usability, among others. The long description is the perfect time to make the “sale”. Use keywords and do your best to convince the user that your app is the best.

phone number data

Photos (screenshots): Screenshots are the showcase of your app. It is through them that the user will  know develop an effective link building strategy what awaits them as soon as they click the download button. It is very important that these screenshots are harmonious and connected to each other. Reinforce the main functionalities of the App.

Presentation video: In the presentation video, the emphasis should be on the functionality of the App, like a short tutorial. Take the opportunity to highlight the strengths of your bz lists application, be it the UX, the modern design, the interfac.

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