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Definition of the 38 most common English construction terms: a handy glossary

Knowing the English terms for construction and architecture management
There’s no doubt that the construction industry is complex, with thousands of terms and jargon that are difficult to understand for anyone new to it. Especially if you use English software or work on projects that involve research and writing documents in English, it will be helpful to understand some basic English construction terms that are regularly us in the industry.

We’ve put together a handy glossary of the most common construction and architecture terms. You’re sure to come across some of the following terms while working on your construction project.

Glossary of English construction terms

1. Aggregate. A granular material compos of sand or crush stone. Ag swen whatsapp number data regates are us in materials such as concrete and are a fundamental part of the foundation of buildings.

2. Backfilling. Process of filling in trenches or holes creat during excavation, especially around foundations.


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3. Beam. Beams are plac at the same level as the roof and run horizontally along the main walls of a building, to support the structure.

4. BIM. Building information modeling ( BIM) is the process of creati make sure that contact information ng a computer model of a building that includes all the details of its structure, from its basic design to the smallest dimensions.

5. BOQ. The bill of quantities (BOQ) is a contract document that lists t resource data he materials and labor involv in a construction project. The BOQ allows a project to be properly pric.

6. CAD. Computer-aid design (CAD) involves the use of architectural software to create detail building models that help spe up the design process, enhance creativity, and ensure the highest possible measurement accuracy. CAD software also supports a variety of areas of architectural. And construction projects.

7. Caulking. A flexible, rubbery material us to seal gaps in a joint.


8. Ceiling joist. Ceiling joists are structural elements parallel to each other that bear the loads of the ceiling and are support by load-bearing walls.

9. Circuit breaker. Switch locat in the electrical panel that cuts off power to certain parts of the building.

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