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Cultivate the relationship with your contacts through a Newsletter

This type of Email Campaign is essential when it comes to creating and maintaining a close relationship with your Subscribers. A Newsletter is one that is sent with a certain frequency (biweekly, monthly or quarterly) and that allows you to stay in touch with the members of your Database. Its main objective is to keep your clients and prospects up to date on company and sector news.

Now, if you send interesting and new information to your contacts from time to time , what will you achieve? You guessed it! Position yourself in the market and make them remember you when they need your products or services.

#2 Try promotions and gifts

advertising database

Sending your subscribers this type of content will prevent them from  advertising database forgetting about you. Sending offers that your contacts can take advantage of is an excellent way to keep a place in their minds and also to build loyalty.

Another good idea is to surprise them with a gift on a special date such as Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day or Christmas. They will perceive that you are attentive and that you are interested in comforting them with certain details.

#3 Entertain your Subscribers with games and contests
Entertaining your contacts is also a good option when it comes to making your brand stand out from the rest. You can organize raffles and trivia contests on social networks and send Email Campaigns to invite users to participate for prizes.

In fact, that’s what we’re doing in the

KDopplerRace , a series of games that we publish weekly on our Fan Page with the  quick signs goal of reaching 10 thousand fans. Haven’t you participated yet? Don’t wait any longer!

#4 Showcase your company and those who work there
People love to learn more about the companies they follow or admire. The behind-the- google panda . who is she? scenes look at everyday life is very well received by consumers and this will not only help you position your brand, but also develop the trust of your audience.

Showcase your team members, how they plan or implement their actions, and how they entertain themselves in their free time. You can also give the scoop on new product launches or showcase your company’s facilities.


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