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CSS 3: an introduction to transition effects

Although CSS 3 is still a work in progress, it is possible to use some of its functionalities (with the understanding that they will not work for all users). This also applies to transition effects

Interactively changing the style of elements is nothing new or rare on the web. These changes are usually reflect immiately, which, of course, seems rather boring to some clients, and they would like something saudi arabia phone number data more attractive, for example a gradual transition. How to satisfy them? But effortlessly! Will the transition module from CSS 3 help? Maybe.

The most important properties of the transition effect

In order for the transition effect to take place at all, it must be determin, either explicitly or implicitly:

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how long should it last

which properties of the changing element (or pseudo-element) should be affect
Using the property, transition-delaythe start of the transition effect can be delay by a specifi number of seconds or milliseconds. The default value for this property is 0, which means the transition effect will start immiately, which is usually fine.

The property transition-durationdefines how many seconds or milliseconds the transition effect will last. If you forgot to explicitly set it, the transition effect would not appear at all (it would last 0 seconds).

By applying the property, transition-propertyit is possible to specify exactly which properties of the changing element (or pseudo-element) the transition effect should be limit to. It is implicitly appli to all animatable properties (ie CSS properties that can apply a transition effect).

Alphabetical list of animatable properties:background-color, background-position, border-bottom-color, border-bottom-width, border-color, border-left-color, border-left-width, border-right-color, border-right-width, border-spacing, border-top-color, border-top-width, border-width, bottom, clip, color, crop, font-size, font-weight, grid-*, height, left, letter-spacing, line-height, margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right, margin-top, max-height, max-width, min-height, min common mistakes to avoid with personaliz marketing-width, opacity, outline-color, outline-offset, outline-width, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top, right, text-indent, text-shadow, top, vertical-align, visibility, width, word-spacing, z-index, zoom

This list is likely to be expand with some features in the future.

We will demonstrate the use of the properties of the transition effect on the following

Each of the properties us to set the transition effect can have multiple values ​​that are separat from each other by a comma. This bw lists technique allows you to declare transition effects for multiple properties of a given element.

The order in which the values ​​are list is important . For property A1, the transition effect will last for time T1, for property A2 the transition effect will last for time T2, etc. If the property would transition-propertycontain a larger number of values ​​than properties transition-duration, transition-delayor transition-timing-function, the other properties would match their number of values ​​by repeating the specifi val.

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