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To set the correct timeouts in the web server settings

You ne to test the site under normal conditions – before the start of a DDoS or marketing campaign. It is important to know the optimal server parameters when receiving requests from different devices – mobile, PC, tablet, etc. Find the values ​​at which the project remains operational – web pages are transmitt to browsers, requests are process without delays. If testing reveals that the normal site indicators are higher than those specifi in the default settings, it is worth discussing this with the developers and refactoring the code.

Use a firewall and CDN Some services will help you protect your site from DDoS

Firewall. It acts as a buffer between the user and the server. The tool receives traffic, analyzes it and filters it. Only safe requests reach the server. Content Delivery Network, CDN. The network provides protection and acceleration of the site: the advertising database content of the web resource is host on several servers, the load on the main server is r uc and the display of pages in browsers is accelerat . #7. Set up filtering of incoming traffic Traffic can be typical and atypical for the site.

special data

If you have tools for collecting traffic information

You can create a description of “white” requests this helps to optimize advertising budgets and focus and compare all connections with a positive sample. Atypical traffic can be block in several ways: set up IP filtering and add addresses with suspicious requests to the blacklist.

lock users by geo-location using

The GeoIP module in nginx (an online store from material data Voronezh hardly ne s visitors from Singapore); use the testcookie module for nginx, which will check the sender for r irection, JavaScript support, and browser authenticity. Traffic filtering is a good addition to basic DDoS protection. No. 8. Prevent spam Fe back forms are a popular target for DDoS attacks.

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