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Communication with users on social networks – how to manage it and not go crazy

You’ve certainly already seen for yourself that only nice posts are not enough for success on social networks. It is necessary to communicate with users continuously and answer all possible and often impossible questions. So that it doesn’t go over your head, we’ve put together an overview of useful advice that will make communication with fans and haters easier and save you time and some nerves.

How to respond quickly in all circumstances

Users are used to constantly communicating with their friends on social networks, and they expect the same from you as a brand. You should respond to all comments and messages throughout the day, but within 24 hours at most . On Facebook, don’t forget to also respond to reviews on your page in the Ratings tab and, ideally, to tags from other users and pages in the Mentions tab .

In order not to miss anything, we recommend turning south africa whatsapp number data on notifications for new comments and messages. Set aside a fixed time for answering them at least once, ideally twice a day. You will not feel that this activity is robbing you of time, and you can combine it with a pleasant ritual – for example, with an afternoon coffee.


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Be sure to do this at least during holidays and weekends when you know you won’t be available. In the settings, you can choose the exact days when you want to send automatic replies. Do not forget the number of social, including dark social roles, has increased tenfold to write in the automatic reply when you will attend to the customer and keep this commitment.
Always have answers to the most frequently asked questions at hand – to make your work easier, we recommend creating a document with the most frequently asked questions and answers. It will save you t spam data ime and speed up your responses to inquiries. But be careful that your answer is not always the same word for word , users could easily notice this. Change it up a bit and don’t forget to address the user by name.

These two tips will make replying to messages a lot easier:

Beehive Tip: Although it would often save you time, never send a customer elsewhere for help . It may happen that, for example. He asks you for information about a delayed e-shop order or wants to help with handling a complaint. If you are unable to solve his problem yourself. Ccontact colleagues who will give you the necessary information. But solve everything with the customer within social networks . Thanks to your utmost willingness, despite a negative experience with the product or service. The customer is likely to come back to you, or at least give you a bad review.

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