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Coffee and marketing with Lukáš Balk about the growth

The March Kafe a Marketing revolved around the increasingly popular purchase of farm-to-table food. Our invitation was accepted by Lukáš Balek, marketing director of the Scuk.cz project , the largest online farmer’s market in our country. Lukáš introduced us to the entire project, described the approximately five-year journey to success, and showed interesting behind-the-scenes data.

What else did they talk about?


How does a farmers market work and how many  macedonia phone number data farmers offer their products to customers through it?
How many people handle marketing at Scuk?

And what can you look forward to next? In April, the classic Kafe and marketing will take a short “break” because we are preparing something a little different. Therefore, special for you – and you will soon find out what.

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Coffee and marketing


Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts
You can also listen to the podcast with Lukáš on our . Therefore, Apple Podcasts channel.

You can also find us on Spotify
If you want to listen to the podcast using Spotify, you can do so here .

Watch the video with Lukáš
Not only hearing the guest is not enough for you, but you also want to see him? Check out the stream recording. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you in the next episode.

View Coffee and Marketing

Lucie Liptakova
Lucie feels at home in marketing, loves learning new things hong kong data  and exploring the world. Most of the time you can find her with a cup of coffee in a cafe with her dog or with a book in her hand wandering around Prague.

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