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Before the start of development

It will act as a plan in which the configuration, structure, and general appearance of the resource are defin . The project provides for the location of texts, images, and various buttons. Harmony in the combination of colors, choice of fonts, field parameters, etc. are taken into account. At the same time, the interface being develop , the navigation policy of the site for convenient interaction of the online platform with users.

What types of layout ex t?

There are several types of website layout. Let’s get acquaint with each one. Block layout It consider the most popular type of website layout. It bas on the <div> block tag, us to group content into specific blocks (containers). For example, a block mom database with information about the company, vacancies, etc. Each container will have a <div>. The remaining tags responsible for smaller details will be written inside it. When using such layout, HTML always interacts with CSS, with the help of which ordinary content transform into an attractive design solution.

special data

Valid layout A type of layout that meets the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium

The method involves meticulous adherence to the rules for writing optimiz code. Th helps the portal reach prestigious positions and improve its image among search engines. Validity requires that html elements be locat in strictly defin sections. Adaptive what tools does the company already use? layout A relevant approach to website layout, in which the content of the online platform adapt for PCs, mobile phones, tablets. Th eliminates the work of thinking through additional options for various gadgets. The use of CSS m ia queries makes it possible to receive a d play of details “adjust ” to the width of the screen.

The web independently adjusts to the parameters of the monitor, its resolution

Signs of correct layout Let’s consider what material data consider correct: The resource architecture made in HTML, the style character tics are d play in CSS. A small amount of “not heavy” illustrations and pictures are us . All images are mark with text and code. Content d plays correctly in most browsers, at various screen resolutions.

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