The Family phase is the first. At this stage, the company is still at the beginning of its journey. Here, the focus of those responsible should be on product development. The fact that the number of customers is low can be taken advantage of and they can be us as test subjects. It is important to be close to these consumers and seek constructive feback.
In addition, during the Family phase, the founders’ roles, responsibilities, and presence in the company’s organizational chart should be defin, even in the initial phase. The first employees should be hir at this stage.
We cannot forget that the first stage
Must also involve the search for distribution channels and points of sale, with initial marketing strategies, including defining prices and profit margins.
Thinking about the challenges france email list the issue that nes to be resolv here is finding an opportunity that the market offers.
In the case of Uber, for example, the entire urban mobility market was stuck in a constant scenario. The entrepreneurs saw this as an opportunity to establish a new concept and formatt their solution to make this possible.
During the Family phase, it is important
keep in mind that several problems will arise, but you do not ne to fear this. In fact, you should ignore some of them adb directory even at first. Perhaps, if the creators of Airbnb had been concern about the issue of amateur photos , the platform might not have been develop and the business would have remain just on paper.
Be concern about 20 most in-demand professions in the world today and in the near future product market fit, that is, the suitability of your product to the market. It nes to be necessary for users, even if they don’t know it yet.
The Tribe phase is the second. Here, product development is still necessary, but you should start worrying about financial