Home » A sitemap.xml is quite simple

A sitemap.xml is quite simple

Now, to fully understand what a sitemap is and what it is not, we recommend that you review this article on what you should know about them . Likewise, the structure of . It looks something like this:

For websites develop in CMSs such as

WordPress, there are plugins (YoastSEO or Rank Math) that can help you. However, the most common places to upload these sitemaps.xml are the robots.txt file itself (in fact, if you look closely, we have includ it in the previous example) and/or in the tool par excellence for SEOs, which is none other than Google Search Console.

Sitemaps can have more formats than

The famous xml, also txt or they can be a fe (of news) that is usually consult more than the sitemaps themselves.
Review the documentation at fantuan phone number sitemaps.org , a guide where you will find everything you ne to know about its format and best practices.

special data


If you don’t have the ability

To program sitemaps (ideal option) it is possible to use crawlers like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb to crawl your entire site and generate a sitemap.
5. Rel. Attribute
The rel attribute provides additional information about the links on a site. Us on HTML <a> elements, it helps Google understand the nature the number of social, including dark social roles, has increased tenfold of the links on a page and how they should be treat in terms of crawling and indexing. In other words, the rel attribute tells bots whether we want them to be remov from their crawl queue:

The rel=»follow» attribute

While valid and could be us, is the same as not adding anything. That is, if we are going to let bots follow a link, we can omit it.
The rel=»nofollow» attribute is us to tell spiders not to follow the link. This attribute (the oldest of all) has been commonly us on sponsor links, user tg data comments or untrustworthy links that we did not want to influence the positioning of the page.

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