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A brief reflection on the development of cascading styles

Positive news about CSS is increasing. It will be nice to be able to use CSS selectors in JavaScript as well. But what about the lingering conceptual problems?

Problem analysis
Browser developers do not let up in the implementation of other properties, whether from the second or third level of CSS. Web designers are sure to acknowlge this with gratitude. But what they certainly can’t be happy about is the fact that CSS 3 isn’t ready even after about ten years, and that’s why properties from CSS 3 are preliminarily implement with a vendor prefix. In practice, this means for them that they have to declare each such feature several times if they want to use it, because browsers use different vendor prefixes. In short: slow work on CSS 3 paralyzes implementations, which in turn complicates the life of web designers.

What is actually the cause of such a long and such an unfortunate delay? There are probably more reasons. The first of them is that the standardizers do not devote themselves “fully” to their mission, Jiří Kosek, who has experience working for the standardization organizations OASIS, W3C and ISO, also spoke about this :

Fortunately, this is work

can be done as much as you have time. When someone doesn’t have a lot of time, they can be a passive member of the work group, who at worst does nothing at all. At most, he reads minutes from teleconferences or meetings.”

The second reason is even more prosaic: there is simply too much. CSS is divid into individual modules, the number of these modules has grown tremendously in CSS 3. So many things can’t be master quickly. At the same time, new modules were add gradually, so it can be expect that the day of complete completion of CSS 3 will be delay again due to work on later creat modules.

The third reason can be consider that taiwan phone number data the people who create CSS standards are not completely familiar with web design issues; and naturally, if a person does something he does not understand well, he takes longer and makes many mistakes.

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A chance to fix the box model
According to current CSS standards, the width.  Consider the width of the content of the element, the marginal parts.  Padding ( padding) and border ( border) – are no longer count. The same applies to the height even in it the padding and borders are not count. This is very impractical as web designers ne to know the full width and height of the elements on the page to visually arrange them! At first glance, the remy seems simple – simply rewrite the standards a little, box modelmodify them so that the properties widthand heightexpress the dimensions of the entire element, and that’s it. However, it is not that easy at all! If such a change were to actually happen and be implement in browsers, it would damage – more or less – the layout of most current websites. There would be a so-call violation of backward compatibility.

The standardizers had the chance

To correct their mistake at the very beginning. Browser developers did not want to implement the box model from W3C for a long time. Internet Explorer, for which the pages were made at the time (it had more than ninety percent. Representation at the time), adopt it only in 2001. Standardizers did not take the chance. Instead, they came up with another solution in CSS 3 – the box-sizing. When this property is appli with a value of borde profiles on other social networks -box, it finally counts in the width and height as well paddingand border. Unfortunately, it will take some time before this feature is implement in all browsers.

Another chance to change the existing bw lists box model without breaking backward compatibility with current pages is looming in the ongoing present and is relat to the further fate of the DOCTYPE declaration in HTML.

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